Wow. there nothing like traveling cross country and starting a new job working 12-15 hours a day to make you forget important things like a wine blog.
But alas, that's where I find myself. This is the second time since my wine journey began that I forgot to blog.
The last time this occured, I remedied the situation by blogging on 2 in one week. I'm not sure if I can do that again, but will give it the old college try. I will shoot for 2 wines tomorrow night. I would like to start off with some Arizona wines. Hopefully I can find one at Safeway.
The grocery stores here are awesome. Not only can you buy wine, but they also sell LIQUOR!!! I lived in Virginia for too long. I don't even drink liquor, but I'm delighted that I could buy it at a grocery store if I wanted to. There's something about not being able to makes me want to....
If I turn totally blonde again and forget to blog tomorrow, I think I may have to take a week or two hiatus to get my job under control and then I can re-focus my attention to my favorite past time of wine blogging.
So, please bear with me...