Thursday, August 4, 2011

Vino Solo

Like I said, a dear friend gave one of these to a dear friend. That dear friend gave 4 of them to me - 2 whites and 2 reds.

The reds are Merlot and the whites are Chardonnay. They are both 2008 North Coast, California wines.
I tried the Merlot. Not bad, not earth shattering, but very drinkable. The novelty of the totally cool plastic lid that when you flip it over becomes the wine glass is such a good time that I think it made the wine taste even better.

There's even a website.
Here's what it had to say:

Singlz - a revolutionary new all-in-one bottle and glass format.
The Singlz concept brings 21st century portability and convenience to wine drinking - an innovative all-in-one design combined with leading edge PET bottle technology that preserves wine quality.
Ideal for picnics, barbeques and situations where a single serve is all that is required .
Perfect for sporting and other outdoor events, concerts and performances where glassware is not permitted for safety reasons and where many people need to be served in a short space of time.
Welcome peace of mind for the consumer who opens their own bottle of quality wine knowing it is untainted and safe to drink.

It's a fun little wine. I expect to see more of these little guys!!

The dear friend of the dear friend that I mentioned bought these at a wine shop in either Portland or Falmouth, Maine. I'm sure you could get them on the website or at most any wine shop.

Now that my happy hour days and vacationing are over, I'm going to have to get back into some type of regular work/blog routine. Because I am now fully back to work, I feel like it's interfering with my wine tasting and blogging. But actually, that's rather impressive. Here we are at week 11 and I'm just now feeling like work is getting in the way? Not bad..

I obviously didn't do justice to my idea of a white or a rose. That will have to wait until next week. I have decided that I should try to focus a bit on Virginia wines for next few blogs.

Until then...Cheers!!

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