Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I indicated in my prior blog that I felt like spending. Well, that feeling was short lived. I spent a whopping $9.99. Actually, that was the sale price. This wine is normally $13.99.

I chose a 2009 Napa Family Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve. I served it with a salad, which of course is not what the serving recommendation was on the back of the label, but it was all I could do for the evening.

The wine was ok. It had a bit of a spicy flavor, maybe a hint of chocolate notes and a peppery finish. For a Reserve, I did expect it to be a bit smoother. This wine does crave food somewhat and I think if I had served with a heartier dish, it would've complimented the wine and brought out more flavor.

All in all....not bad. I wouldn't run out and buy it again, but I wouldn't pour it down the drain either.

I hate to confess this, but I've found since living here in Scottsdale with this continual ongoing dry heat, I have been enjoying chilling my red wine. It's quite lovely and smoothes out the finish.

I think I may be on to something.

for next week...no clue.

Until then...Cheers!!

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