Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Game Over

Ok. It's actually been a year. My 52 week journey to drink as much wine as possible has come to an end.
I finished this lovely year with a wine that I have had on multiple occasions. Yes, I know this defies what my original premise indicated, but what the heck.
I chose a Newman's Own Pinot Noir for $8.99 at Walmart.
You cannot go wrong with a Newman’s Own. It doesn't matter what varietal you pick. He, (God rest his soul) has it going on.
It tastes like a much higher priced wine, with flavors and notes that will compliment any dish you serve it with.
On that happy note, my blogging days have come to a lovely wine flavored end.
It's been so much fun to share my wine journey. I hope your wine journey continues. I know mine will.

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