Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A wrap up on Tres Ojos

We had some friends over on Saturday.  Of course there was a bit of the Tres Ojos left over, so I poured myself a glass. All my friends were drinking beer, so I didn't feel bad.  At that point,  I had nothing to eat and wasn't snacking on anything.  As I think I may have eluded to earlier, this is not a stand alone wine.  Tres Ojos needs to be paired with something spicy.
But, being the true wino I am, I polished off my glass and looked forward to opening something else.  Which I did and it was phenomenal.  It was a sparking shiraz - The Chook.  I wont blog on it except to say that  I have already tried it and I highly recommend it.  It's approximately $17.00 at Total Wine.  It is definitley a stand alone wine.  I could drink it all night, all by itself and be happy happy.
Now, on to the Thursday. I haven't yet selected the wine, but plan on going to either Total Wine or World Market tomorrow to pick it.  I can't wait to experience the lovely label that catches my eye.......

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