Sunday, November 6, 2011

Moving On....

We did not polish off the bottle of the Cab Sauvignon from Williamsburg Winery. So, again a bottle of wine has been left to the hotel maids (this is the 2nd time - see the Idaho blog). Oh well, it's a small sacrifice to the Wine Gods. I hope they enjoy it.

Nor did I find any info on the wine label online. Actually, I didn't even look. I've moved on and looking forward to this Thursday's pick. I can tell you right now it will be a French wine. I'm thinking Burgundy. I believe I noted in a prior blog I read something about "seductively graceful". Those are beautiful words and I want to try the wine they were referring to.

So, I'm off to find a Burgundy. I have a feeling there will be much to celebrate on Thursday. Exciting news is on the horizon.

Until then....Cheers!

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