Thursday, August 18, 2011

I totally forgot to blog..

UHG!!! About 15 minutes ago, I was setting up the coffee pot for the morning and I suddenly realized IT'S THURSDAY AND I HAVENT BLOGGED!!!
I can not believe that I completely, utterly, totally forgot.
It wasn't even that crazy of a day. It was busy, as most days are. Work was a rush, I left at 4:30, ran by Home Depot, then hurried home as we are dog sitting and our friends were coming by to pick up their dog - which they did. I fertilized the grass in the front yard, painted a file cabinet, made supper, ran to Total Wine and dropped off food for my son, went to Ross to pick up a few goodies, ran by the bank, then to Cold Stone (my daughter insisted) and finally back home, fed the dogs, put in a load of laundry, watched an episode of Sex in the City, went to make coffee and BAM!!
So, for the second and hopefully last time, I will not blog on a Thursday - Instead, tomorrow is blog night. And I was really excited to try the Virginia Cab Franc from Fabbioli!!
Assuming I don't forget again..tune in tomorrow...

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