Monday, August 29, 2011

Maybe a Zinfandel?? Maybe not.

Thursday will soon be here and I'm not sure what to blog on. I was thinking maybe a Zinfandel. They have captured my attention. My hubby suggested a Rutherford Ranch. The only thing is that I've tried most of those. I will search to see if I can find something. Otherwise, we have a bottle from a winery in Napa called Hopper Creek. It might be a good one to blog about. I obviously tried it at the tasting, but that doesn't count it terms of my original plan of only blogging on wines I've never tried - besides this is my blog right? I can do whatever the heck I want to right?
On a side note, my daughter and I recently tried the Lavender Mead. It wasn't as good as I remembered. We even mixed it with some lemonade as suggested by the lovely pregnant mead server in Maine. Even with the lemonade - it still wasn't happening. It tasted medicinal. We thought maybe it wasn't cold enough and let it chill a bit longer in the frig - and that did help somewhat, but not enough. I ended up pouring it down the drain. THATS LIKE THE THRID TIME I'VE DONE THAT since starting this blog. I hate that...

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