Thursday, September 22, 2011

Spicy...not so much

Well, as usual things did not go as planned. We initially thought we might enjoy this Washington Hills Gewurztraminer wine with sushi. But, life got in the way and it just didn't work out, so we ended up with pizza...don't ask.
Anyway, the wine was chilled and savored with a slice of pepperoni. wasn't spicy. My hubby described it as fruity, appley, and light. I thought I tasted a spiciness, but it was just the pepperoni.
Dont get me wrong, it's a nice, light, easy drinking wine. It's not too fruity and not too tart. It would be a nice addition to any wine rack. Would I buy it again???? Probably. It's just that I'm not often in the mood for white wines, it seems my palate craves red.
On that boring note. I'm ending this blog for tonight. I'm too tired to think anymore about anything - except that next Thursday is the 29th. I have to go get another Washington state wine.
I'm not even sure if my DF has made it yet.
Well DF. where ever you are...Cheers!!

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